We collaborate with authors to create beautiful, engaging, and consequential nonfiction books. We’ve helped dozens of writers secure major book deals, find critical success, and hit the bestseller lists.

We make books better.
We work hand-in-hand with each author to realize their vision on the page—and deliver on the expectations of publishers and audiences. Authors come to us at all stages of a book’s development whether with the seeds of an idea, a book proposal in progress, or a full manuscript draft. We take the promise in every project and help unfurl it to its fullest potential.
Compelling nonfiction.
We are a small group of editors, book doctors, and collaborative writers with deep expertise in narrative nonfiction, including memoir, biography, popular science and history, idea/platform-driven books, and academic-to-trade books.
Our clients include New York Times bestselling authors, award-winning journalists and podcast creators, a Nobel Prize laureate, and the author of a memoir that’s soon-to-be adapted for HBO.
An individualized approach.
We meet authors where they are, bringing our expertise to each book’s unique challenges and opportunities, for a fully tailored editorial experience.
Our services include:
Conceptualizing the big picture and structure
Proposal writing
Manuscript development and completion
Timely delivery